Reverend Eastwood Anaba is the founder, president and CEO of Eastwood Anaba Ministries (EAM). Rev Eastwood (as he is commonly known) is a man who has lived his life literally according to Christ’s command of Mark 15:15,

Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature”.

Rev Eastwood is a prominent preacher who since 1988 has preached the Gospel to millions of live audiences through various church meetings and reaching audiences through television, videos and other forms of media channels. He is well known in Ghana and internationally as one of the most influential preachers of the 20th century who delivers the word of God with passion, precision and integrity.
Rev Eastwood was led to Christ, by his mentor and father in the Lord, the dynamic Archbishop Duncan Williams (founder of Action Christian Faith Ministries).

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Title Speakers Hits
General Topics Apostle Michael Orokpo , Archbishop Duncan Williams , Prophet John Anokye , Rev. Eastwood Anaba , Rev. Steve Mensah 22