Episcopal Sister Adelaide Heward-Mills is a lawyer, educator, counsellor, preacher, philanthropist and excellent home-maker. She is the First Lady of The United Denominations Originating from Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC) with 41 denominations, over 3,423 churches, and 138 Bishops in 73 countries. Before being dedicated to the ministry she served faithfully for many years as a State Attorney in the Attorney General’s Office of Ghana. Adelaide has a remarkable reputation as a peacemaker in her speech and demeanour.

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Title Date Hits
Remedies to Contention 2024-08-10 637
Temperament 2024-08-10 304
The Key to Repentance 2024-08-10 336
Weapons Of Soberness 2024-08-10 264
When You Are Rejected 2024-08-10 282
The Spirit of the Mind 2024-07-30 351
Women The Secret Weapon of God 2024-07-30 332
Beauty In His Glory 2024-07-30 242
The Mistakes of Vashti 2024-07-30 277
Just Only One Thing 2024-07-30 297
Understanding the Seed of the Woman 2024-07-30 310
Your Mind 2024-06-18 303
Remedies to Contetion 2024-06-17 205
Sin Is Dangerous 2024-06-17 223
JEZEEBELISM 2024-06-09 345
Accepting your wife as a help meet 2024-06-09 339
HOW TO FIND LOVE 2024-06-08 244
The Chirstian Home 2024-06-01 266
The Chirstian Family 2024-06-01 279
Title Speakers Hits
General Topics Apostle Michael Orokpo , Archbishop Duncan Williams , Episcopal Sister Adelaide Heward-Mills , Pastor Elvis Agyemang , Prophet John Anokye , Rev. Eastwood Anaba , Rev. Steve Mensah 615