Hello family and friends, this message happens to be the last of the PRAYER CHANGES THINGS series. A new series will be introduced as a continuation to the Thursday’s Inspiration from August 8.
The third attitude we have to develop as we pray is PRAYING TO A JUDGE.
Jesus compared our Heavenly Father as a Judge in the parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge. A judge is someone who has to take decisions that can change the lives of everyone including:
* He can change ones sleeping place.
* One can have victory over a tormenting enemy.
* Wicked people and wickedness are silenced and flattened.
As we pray to GOD as a JUDGE, these take place:
1. God will put someone down and set up another ( Psalm 75:1).
2. We will be vindicated on all lies and false accusations
3. And finally, vengeance will come to us ( Psalm 94:1-11). For it is written,“ Vengeance is mine, I will repay.”
Let us therefore rise up and pray, and also pray to Him as A FATHER, A FRIEND and A JUDGE! A inspired by this special clip for August- MORE PRAISE
/ Eric Boateng
Reference: Prayer Changes Things ( Pages 89-91), By Bishop Dag Hewald- Mills.