WEEKEND’S INSPIRATION- PART 169 ( 05/04/2024).

Hello family and friends, our key scripture is Ephesians 6:10;” Finally, my brethren, BE STRONG in the Lord, and in the power of His might.”

We must strengthen ourselves SO THAT WE CAN HELP OTHER PEOPLE: Romans 15:1;” We then who are STRONG ought to BEAR WITH THE INFIRMITIES OF THE WEAK, and not please ourselves.”
When you are in an aero plane, they teach you to put on your oxygen mask in the event of an emergency. They also ask that parents should put on their oxygen masks first before attempting to help their children. Why is this? Should they not attend to the children first since they are the weaker ones? The answer is ‘NO’! The parents will need the oxygen to keep them alive and strong, so that they can then be in the position to help the children.
God has called us to be strong in Him, so that we can also become a blessing to ourselves, families, neighbors, colleagues and church members alike.
It is therefore extremely important that we develop ourselves to ensure that we can fully help and support OTHERS! Let us bless our hearts with this beautiful attached clip by Sinach- DONE IT AGAIN
/ Eric Boateng
Reference: How You Can Become A Strong Christian ( Pages 5-8), By Bishop Dag Hewald- Mills.

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