WEEKEND’S INSPIRATION- PART 181 ( 08/10/2024).
Hello family and friends, it is important we develop steadfastness by:
1. NOT BEING OVER-CONFIDENT. An over- confident person is someone who has too much trust in his abilities. This is very dangerous. Being too confident in your own righteousness and spirituality is a bad sign:-1 Corinthians 10:12;“… let him that THINKETH HE STANDETH take heed lest he fall.”

If one regards his position in Christ as a foolproof, that person is danger of slaying from the right path. When a Christian continues to boast about his strength, satan hears him and decides to test him. Where we are overconfident is where we can be the weakest, because we have dropped our guards. The remedy for not being overconfident is to PRAY at all times.
Any one who is prayerful is saying to God that, he has absolute hope in Him.

2. BY AVOIDING THE LUST OF THIS WORLD:- 2 Peter 1:4;”…having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”
Corruption has come into the world through lusts. The destroying of our happiness always come through lusts.

To lust after something is to have a strong excessive desire for that thing. Usually, it is uncontrollable and sometimes obsessive desire for a particular thing.

As Christians, let us be wary of all kinds of lusts; financial lust, sexual lust and power/political lusts. FOR LUST CORRUPTS AND DESTROYS EVERY GOOD THING!

This awesome attached clip is to spice your weekend- SPARROWS, by J. Gray.
Blessings 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🔥🔥🔥
/ Eric Boateng
Reference: How You Can Become A Strong Christian ( Pages 21-23), By Bishop Dag Heward-Mills.

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