WEEKEND’S INSPIRATION- PART 184 ( 08/31/2024).
Hello family and friends, there are many issues that make Christians move away from their beliefs or faith. These include:

1. We Should Not Be Moved From The Path Of Righteousness Into Short Cuts:- Psalm 23:3;”….He leadeth me in paths of Righteousness for His name’s sake.”
The world is under delusion that there are short cuts to everything. Some Christians also think likewise. However, there is no short cut to Heaven. WE CANNOT ESCAPE THE CROSS! The cross is losing, suffering and dying.

We will suffer so many things as Christians. We will experience evil days in the form of sicknesses and diseases, loss of jobs and properties, death of loved ones, divorce, failure of exams, debts and other untold hardships. We also cannot avoid the reality of fasting, praying, fellowship and witnessing as Christians. All these are our crosses we must bear without wavering, if we have to ever make it to heaven.

2. We Must Not Be Moved To Do Evil.
In Acts 21:30-31, evil spirits inspired the city to charge on Paul and kill him for his powerful preaching. We must beware that we are not influenced by the devil to do evil. We should also be careful that we are not moved to experiment with evil things. For instance, you will notice that some men with very good and charming wives still chase other women ( side chicks).

Some of these men are being curious, thinking there is something more to discover. But the truth is, there is nothing new under the sun! There is nothing new to see! The devil is just luring such people into hell. Let us work on our salvation with fear and trembling!!

Let’s bless our hearts this weekend with this beautiful attached clip- That Is Who I Praise Blessings

/ Eric Boateng
Reference: How You Can Become A Strong Christian ( Pages 35-39) By Bishop Dag Heward- Mills.

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